5 Reasons why your website may not be working for your fitness business





Keep reading to find out the reasons and how to fix them!

REASON 1: YOUR WEBSITE DOESN’T tell your audience what you help them with

Your website might look stunning and it may function well, but if it doesn’t tell your audience how you can solve their problems - they won’t stay on your website for long.

Your website heading must tell your audience what you do and who you are. 100% of people will read your website heading - but not necessarily the rest of your website content.

➡️ Your website heading: address the problem your website visitors are facing & keep it to 1 sentence - preferably under 10 words.

➡️ Include a sub-heading that addresses your solution to the problem.

➡️ From time to time - change and test new headings on your website Home page. Every few months insert a different sentence to see if there’s a spike in website traffic. Things such as Google algorithm and Search Engine Optimisation change from time to time, which means your website heading that works well today - may not work in a year from now.


Your website Homepage is the most visited page of your website.


With that in mind, your Homepage should be a preview of the rest of your website and give the visitor a glimpse into all the other pages, which include links to your Services, Results, About you section, Blog and Contact. The more thought and detail you put into your Homepage - the more likely your website visitors will stick around to explore the rest of your website.

Don’t be scared to make your Homepage too long - people love scrolling through content. However, you do need to make sure all the content you have on your Homepage is relevant to your audience. Your content must also be visually appealing using a variety of images, colour blocks, paragraph sections and provide plenty of clear information and value.

Focus on your content and ‘user experience’ - make it easy for your audience to find out everything about you, your brand & services and get in touch with you.

REASON 3: Your website does not portray you

If you are the owner of your site, who is selling your products or services- there needs to be a substantial amount of photography to portray you. Let me emphasise one important thing:

People like to do business with real people

It’s as simple as that - if you are a ‘personal brand’ - it’s critical that your website content has imagery that includes:

  1. You - photos and videos of you. Before your audience enquires or does any kind of business with you they want to see clear images of you.

  2. Photos of you working / with clients / doing whatever business you are involved in. It will be helpful for your audience to see what goes on behind the scenes when you are working.

Photos of You.

An example of a head-shot image of a Coach - looking friendly and professional.

Photos of You involved with clients / at work.

An example of images a PT would have with their clients.

REASON 4: Your website does not have any SEO

Do you know if your website has had any Search Engine Optimisation? It definitely should. But Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a constantly evolving thing and there are some things that DO and DON’T work:

  1. Blogging drives a LOT of traffic. Having a Blog on your website will bring you a lot of fresh new leads (if you regularly update it with fresh & original content). BUT writing about the same things over and over again will not make your Website/Blog rank highly on Google.

    Reusing the same information over and over again won't produce good results for your website. What you need to do is create a new unique spin on all the content that is out there. You have to write about new things & topics that people haven't seen or read - your mission should be to write about content that is NOT already online. This is hard, but having original your content will mean more shares, more comments and more website traffic.

  2. Expand the pages that are performing well for your website. Find out from your Website analytics - which pages are performing best? What is your audience most drawn to? Update and enhance these pages with content regularly.

  3. Find out what keywords are associated with your business - make sure these words are used throughout your copy in your website, as well as in Headings and Subheadings. Use relevant keywords in your Blog and throughout your website.

  4. Get rid of old content/pages that are not performing well. If you have an old website and you've been writing content for ages - there could be a lot of pages that may not be doing well. If you get rid of old & irrelevant content - more authority and interest will be going to the fresh content and pages that are ‘ranking’ well.

REASON 5: Your website has not been linked with Google Analytics or Google Console

Your website is Liiiiive, but what now? Do you check how well it performs? You need to. You also need to tell Google that your website is live!!!! You need to start by creating a ‘Site Map’ of your website and submit it to Google Search Console, which then determines that you have X-amount of pages & X-amount of images that will now be shown to all the people who are searching for you & your business online.

need my help? Let me do a FREE audit of your website. Get in touch with me below!